Let Me Finish: The Logan Act

If you construed this statute narrowly (say, to apply to giving the enemy information in wartime), that's one thing, but the Logan Act covers much more. The fact that this was passed by the same Congress that gave us the Alien 

By his inviting a foreign leader to address Congress, John Boehner deliberately dealt in foreign policy and thus violated the "Logan Act", thus usurping the powers of the presidency of the United States. In so doing, Boehner 

“The Logan Act is a federal law that makes it a felony for any American citizen to attempt to negotiate with a foreign government or attempt to influence foreign policy without clear authority from the executive branch of the U.S. government. It was

“The Logan Act is a federal law that makes it a felony for any American citizen to attempt to negotiate with a foreign government or attempt to influence foreign policy without clear authority from the executive branch of the U.S. government. It was

With only short-term memory, you can recall that Eric warned us about the danger of old laws (such as CBT or FBAR) lying on the books: “Reed Amendment, Logan Act: why worry about unenforced & unenforceable laws? ”.