Let freedom ring: America celebrates Independence Day

South Carolina residents began receiving robocalls on Friday comparing the movement to remove the Confederate flag from statehouse grounds to ISIS. So my South Carolina relatives are getting robocalls from desperate pro-Confederate flag group 

Americans across the country celebrated Fourth of July with parades, fireworks, naturalization ceremonies, eating contests and movies Saturday as the United States marked 239 years as an independent nation. Though rainy weather swept through the region 

Across the United States on Saturday, Americans celebrated the 239th anniversary of their country's independence from Britain, as law enforcement officials boosted security following warnings about potential terrorist threats timed to the July 4 holiday.

It is Independence Day USA 2015 — as the United States marks 239 years as an independent nation today. The Fourth of July 2015 is being celebrated nationally with parades, fireworks, naturalization ceremonies, eating contests and music. Here are some 

Americans across the country celebrated Fourth of July with parades, fireworks, naturalization ceremonies, eating contests and movies Saturday as the United States marked 239 years as an independent nation. Though rainy weather swept through the region