Leak War: How the White House unloaded on Chuck Hagel while firing him

“Over nearly two years Chuck has been an exemplary Defense Secretary,” Obama said during an appearance with Hagel at the White House. “Chuck is and has been a great friend of mine, since I was a green-behind-the-ears freshman senator,” Obama 

Hagel is seen by the president as not being able to handle the unique challenges that come with trying to dismantle the Islamic State. The U.S. Army lifer was brought in to manage the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan under a shrinking military budget

In replacing Hagel, President Obama must choose his fourth Defense secretary in less than six years and the first who will face confirmation hearings led by a Republican Senate. His nominee will also be presiding over a military much more deeply

From the moment word leaked that Chuck Hagel had been fired, the spinning began in earnest. Those ubiquitous senior administration officials wanted it clear that the president had chosen to oust his Defense secretary, thus giving him credit for a 

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel's resignation this morning sparked speculation about President Obama's next potential nominee, who will have to lead the Defense Department in its fight against terrorist group ISIS. Obama's nominee will likely come from