Larry Ellison Says He Is Done as Chief at Oracle

Yacht captain Larry Ellison is quitting his night job as CEO of Oracle, a gig that earned him $78.4 million in 2014. Ellison, who founded the company in 1977, will be replaced by Oracle president Safra Catz and former HP CEO 

Still, despite these successes, Ellison has drawn some public ire in recent years. In September 2013, reports surfaced that some shareholders were not pleased with the nearly $77 million compensation package that Oracle doled out to Ellison the

Oracle founder Larry Ellison is stepping down as CEO. He will be replaced by two Oracle executives: Safra Catz and Mark Hurd, who will be co-CEOs. Ellison will be the executive chairman of Oracle's board, as well as the 

Usually the only time we talk about Oracle is in relation to its battle with Google over Java and the use of related APIs in Android, but not today. At the age of 70, co-founder Larry Ellison is stepping down from the post of CEO 

Larry Ellison, who you'll remember as the CEO of Oracle and a man who likes to build really, really fast sailboats, has relinquished his boss-man role at Oracle. Although it means that Oracle won't be helmed by Ellison for the