LA area's first Earth Day got weird: Tommy Trojan in a gas mask, the Red …

Via the Twitter feed of Pradheep Shanker, who blogs here. Related: "It's 'Buy Nothing Day' in North Korea Every Day of the Year"

Another councilman, Robert Wilkinson, labeled Earth Day activists “radicals who have taken actions against our own government,” claiming that, at a recent meeting on the environment, he had heard young people “urge a change in the American form of 

Just before Earth Day 2011 when oil was selling for $120 a barrel, former Saudi oil minister Sheikh Yamani put out the idea that oil prices could imminently reach $200 to $300 per barrel. He was referring to the implications of unrest in the Middle

Earth Day Texas sponsor Trammell S. Crow works with technicians setting up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration booth at Fair Park. Crow said there'll be increased attention on Texas' policies this year.

Each April 22 is, apparently, another excuse to circulate this wretched story about Ira Einhorn—the MC of the first Earth Day rally in 1970 (he claimed to be the event's cofounder) who was later imprisoned for having killed and allegedly "composted