Kurt Cobain's credit card is up for sale

<img alt="From left, Grohl, Cobain and Novoselic are seen in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1991. " class="media__image" itemprop="image" src="http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/140404171259-11-cobain—restricted-horizontal-large-gallery.jpg">.

I still remember the exact moment I learned Kurt Cobain had killed himself. A friend stood in the doorway of my college dorm room, face slack, and said two words: "Kurt died." And over the ensuing

There's another reason to check out HBO's 'Kurt Cobain: Montage of Heck' documentary as previously unheard originals will be included in the film.

Included are countless signed photos from Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, and The Doors, a copy of Frank Zappa's driver's license from 1944, and several concert posters. The top item, Kurt Cobain's lost credit card, is probably the oddest item (though an

20 February 2015: If all was right with the world, today would be Kurt Cobain's 48th birthday. Devastatingly, he didn't even each the age of 30. When the lead singer of Nirvana, one of the most innovative and influential bands of the 20th century