King beyond the (pay)wall: Apple locks HBO Now for 'Game of Thrones'

With the exception of some special internet offers, until now the (legit) way to get HBO has been straightforward — order it from your cable company along with a big TV bundle. Today, Apple and HBO took a leap over that 

Starting April 12, HBO will debut its new standalone online service, dubbed HBO Now, and priced at $15 a month, according to several news accounts. That event could begin the Great Unstoppable Stampede of consumers unhooking from cable and moving, 

HBO Now, the premium channel's standalone streaming service, will launch exclusively on Apple TV in April for $14.99 a month. The announcement was made on Monday at the Apple event in San Francisco. "Game of Thrones" fans will be happy to know 

With the exception of some special internet offers, until now the (legit) way to get HBO has been straightforward — order it from your cable company along with a big TV bundle. Today, Apple and HBO took a leap over that 

Apple's exclusive launch of HBO Now will last through the entirety of the new fifth season of "Game of Thrones." That exclusive lasts three months, HBO said, and because HBO Now's launch in early April precedes the season premiere April 12, a standard