Kill Net Neutrality and You Kill Small Business Growth, Too

“To fight back, let's cover the web with symbolic 'loading' icons, to remind everyone what an Internet without net neutrality would look like, and drive record numbers of emails and calls to lawmakers. Are you in?” The “Internet 

Reddit, Netflix, Foursquare, Mozilla, Vimeo, and WordPress are backing the 'Internet Slowdown' protest against proposed US regulations that would segregate internet surfing speeds and kill “net neutrality.”

WASHINGTON – Dozens of websites joined a symbolic protest Wednesday against the Federal Communications Commission's proposed rules governing net neutrality, which opponents say would result in Internet traffic being divided among fast lanes for 

Good net neutrality rules would forbid Internet providers from discriminating against sites that cannot afford to pay a toll for preferential treatment, or sites that are critical of Internet providers or undermine their business models.

'Internet Slowdown Day' sends over 111,000* new comments on net neutrality to FCC. E Pluribus Unum writes: "According to the FCC*, by 6 PM ET the agency saw 111,449 new public comments added to the already record-setting total, with some 41,173