Kill Net Neutrality and You Kill Small Business Growth, Too

If you add up the initial round of comments and ongoing responses, the FCC has now received over 1,477,301 public comments regarding Tom Wheeler's net neutrality proposal, according to Politico. That's enough to beat the previous (though very murky) 

Supporters of net neutrality, the principle that all data and all websites are equal, say they shouldn't. Many websites are joining an "Internet Slowdown" protest today to make the point, and to try to prevent rules that would give Internet providers

Supporters of net neutrality, the principle that all data and all websites are equal, say they shouldn't. Many websites are joining an "Internet Slowdown" protest today to make the point, and to try to prevent rules that would give Internet providers

Apparently, the only thing that gets Americans incensed more than kinda-sorta nudity is the danger of slow lanes on the internet. The FCC has confirmed that its most recent net neutrality rules have received more comments 

Supporters of net neutrality, the principle that all data and all websites are equal, say they shouldn't. Many websites are joining an "Internet Slowdown" protest today to make the point, and to try to prevent rules that would give Internet providers