Kickstarter Acknowledges a Breach of User Data

Kickstarter suffered a data breach that may have led to the disclosure of personal information. On Saturday, I received this notification in my inbox. If you have a Kickstarter account or campaign, you need to read and heed the following message:.

The site said law enforcement told Kickstarter of the breach on Wednesday night and that the company "immediately closed the security breach and began strengthening security measures throughout the Kickstarter system." The site also said "no credit

Kickstarter was hacked earlier this week, the crowdfunding site informed users on Saturday. While the company says the hackers didn't gain access to credit card numbers and only two users were affected, it advised all users 

Uh oh, Kickstarter's CEO Yancey Strickler says that the company has been hacked. No credit card info was stolen (whew!), but the company says users' personal info has been compromised. Better go change your password.

Law enforcement officials informed Kickstarter of the incident on Wednesday (February 12), and the company said that it acted quickly to close the breach. The Kickstarter statement also stressed that "no credit card data of any kind" was accessed by