Kerry's apartheid remark hits pro-Israel nerve

As you know by now, Secretary of State John Kerry has had to apologize for using the word “apartheid” to describe Israel's future without a two-state solution. His cowardly and self-abasing statement, “On Support for Israel,” is 

(CNN) – Secretary of State John Kerry drew strong rebukes for reportedly saying that Israel risks becoming "an apartheid state" if a Mideast peace deal isn't reached soon. The alleged comments were reported on Sunday by the Daily Beast, which said it 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is seeking to control the fallout from his heavily criticized remark that Israel risks becoming “an apartheid state.” “I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan

Secretary of State John Kerry has issued a statement on his controversial remark about Israel and apartheid that led Senator Ted Cruz to call for his resignation today, saying he “would have chosen a different word” if he had a 

Washington (CNN) — John Kerry wasn't the first to use the A-word — apartheid — when talking about Israel, and he likely won't be the last. Even some Israeli leaders have mentioned the word that basically means "separate" in describing the eventual