Kendra Sunderland, o fosta studenta in varsta de 19 ani, a devenit figura extrem de populara in SUA, dupa ce s-a filmat in ipostaze indecente in libraria facultatii de stat din Oregon.
Yes kids, Kendra Sunderland has got audacity and then some. How the ensuing video came to make it on the web is still a mystery. It's unlikely the student who it's believed filmed the voyeur journey in the fall of 2014 would have posted it herself. Or
The student, Kendra Sunderland, bares her breasts several times and briefly masturbates in front of a camera while sitting at a library desk, as students obliviously walk by in the background. The five-minute clip is watermarked with a logo for
The former student's name was not released by the school, but an Oregon State Police log says that 19-year-old Kendra Jane Sunderland of Corvallis was cited for public indecency in connection with a video posted to a
Arrestohet studentja që xhiroi filmime pornografike në bibliotekë (Video). Kendra Sunderland, studente e Universitetit Shtetëror të Oregonit, mund të kaloj një vit në burg… Read more. Share. HOROSKOPI · SHOWBIZ 30/01/