Kendall Jenner Seeks Independence But Her Sister Kim Kardashian Just Called …

Kendall Jenner likes to have at least a few things to call her own in this life. She has long expressed her desire for privacy in her relationships. She also wants to have a few endorsement contracts that don't go through Kris Kardashian. Kendall

A lawyer and single mom to an eight-year-old son, Brenda DeRouen re-created Kendall Jenner's Calvin Klein ad, posing in her own pair of Calvins to show off and call attention to her stretch marks. "This is for the millions of women out there who

A lawyer and single mom to an eight-year-old son, Brenda DeRouen re-created Kendall Jenner's Calvin Klein ad, posing in her own pair of Calvins to show off and call attention to her stretch marks. "This is for the millions of women out there who

But now the 26-year-old mother and recent law-school graduate aims to expand everyone's definition of beauty with proud photos of her showing off stretch marks while wearing a pair of Calvin panties — à la Kendall Jenner's recent ad campaign for the 

Your silent but relentless pursuit of literally turning into Kendall Jenner just got a little easier. A good workout mix can make or break your attempt at getting into shape. If you're me, that mix needs to be high energy, catchy and show range, but