Katie Hopkins: I hope my son is gay

The singer's appearance on "The Graham Norton Show" in February apparently inspired British TV personality and The Sun columnist Katie Hopkins to tweet, "Jesus, what happened to Kelly Clarkson? Did she eat all of her 

Katie Hopkins has called herself a gay icon, and now she hopes her son is homosexual because it would make her "much more savvy". The controversial columnist isn't one to shy away from voicing her opinions, and she has claimed that if her son was gay 

SHE entered the house as a TV personality last week, to join a whole host of famous faces for the latest series of Celebrity Big Brother. Published: 16:05, Mon, January 12, 2015. By Jessica Earnshaw. Katie Hopkins appeared in a pilot for Big 

Kelly Clarkson doesn't care about fat shaming comments from English TV personality Katie Hopkins, or anyone for that matter, saying she's “just never cared what people think.” The 32-year-old actually didn't know who Hopkins was, according to Heat 

Kelly Clarkson's Response To Katie Hopkins' Fat-Shaming Comment Is Perfect. American Idol singer remains dignified in the face of social media abuse… 13:05, Thursday, 05 March 2015. Tabloid troll Katie Hopkins has been at it again – this