Katie Hopkins: I hope my son is gay

Controversy-monger Katie Hopkins has claimed she “hopes” her eight-year-old son will be gay. The former Celebrity Big Brother star told QX Magazine of her 8-year-old Maximillian: “Is my son gay? I kinda hope he is. “Everybody with a gay son is much

AFTER Kelly Clarkson's appeared on The Graham Norton Show in February displaying a fuller figure, Katie Hopkins took to Twitter to jokingly ask if the US star had.

Yikes! Katie Hopkins has REALLY gone for it in her latest Twitter spat – but Danny Dyer isn't backing down.

Kelly Clarkson's Response To Katie Hopkins' Fat-Shaming Comment Is Perfect. American Idol singer remains dignified in the face of social media abuse… 13:05, Thursday, 05 March 2015. Tabloid troll Katie Hopkins has been at it again – this 

SHE'S famous for her acerbic comments about pretty much anyone in the limelight and it would seem even Carol Vorderman isn't spared from Katie Hopkins' sharp tongue.