Katie Couric accused Diane Sawyer of trading sex for interviews, new book claims

SawyerFinal In what may be the most subdued evening news transition since John Chancellor handed off “NBC Nightly News” to Tom Brokaw and Roger Mudd in 1982, Diane Sawyer signed off “World News” tonight.

Katie Couric's new book has a few jokes about Diane Sawyer that aren't exactly PG-13. Read more here!

When Couric found out Sawyer landed a much sought-after interview with a 57-year-old woman who had given birth to twins, the publicly perky anchor reportedly snarled, “I wonder who she b— this time to get it,” veteran journalist Sheila Weller dished

Goodbye, Diane Sawyer! It's been real. After 5 years of sitting behind ABC's World News desk, Diane said her on air valediction last night on the program. However, Diane fans should not fret too much! Apparently, she'll be transitioning into a new role

For Katie Couric, Diane Sawyer and Christiane Amanpour, the moment of truth is about to arrive—or at least a book-length facsimile thereof. News executives and network publicists have been distracting themselves from this summer's seriously depressing