Kate Upton: Social media keeps me from posing nude

The rich and famous: they flirt just like the rest of us.

Aww! Kate Upton's hunky MLB boyfriend Justin Verlander tossed Kate a souvenir during a baseball game on Aug. 4. Fans captured the flirty moment between the cute couple!

Kate Upton, 22, is no stranger to having her weight roundly examined and criticized, unfortunately. The Sports Illustrated model, more fuller-figured than your average cover model, has often admitted that the focus placed on her weight makes her feel

Justin Verlander may be 10-9 with a 4.66 ERA, but there is one person who he is making happy this season. Verlander and girlfriend Kate Upton got a little flirtatious during Monday's game between the Tigers and Yankees. Verlander was caught tossing a 

The rich and famous: they flirt just like the rest of us.