Kanye West debuted his new album, The Life of Pablo, with a deeply confusing event

Kanye West just debuted both his new album T.L.O.P. (a.k.a. The Life of Pablo, formerly known as Waves and Swish) and "season three" of his Yeezy fashion line with a lavish two-hour event that confused the hell out of everyone who wasn't physically

Mr. Shkreli, who has appeared to revel in drawing ire from the public, seemed to be trying to outdo Mr. West at creating a public spectacle. “Kanye and his label are legally required to take my offer letter to their Board of Directors,” Mr. Shkreli

Mr. Shkreli, who has appeared to revel in drawing ire from the public, seemed to be trying to outdo Mr. West at creating a public spectacle. “Kanye and his label are legally required to take my offer letter to their Board of Directors,” Mr. Shkreli

The show of the day is, without question, Kanye West's. Mr. West's ambitions are arena-size, so he's done the logical thing and booked an arena. A lucky few thousand will pack Madison Square Garden to see his latest Yeezy collection and hear the

Kanye West just debuted both his new album T.L.O.P. (a.k.a. The Life of Pablo, formerly known as Waves and Swish) and "season three" of his Yeezy fashion line with a lavish two-hour event that confused the hell out of everyone who wasn't physically