Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting addresses those hacked nude photos

4 CONNECT 5 TWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE. "Big Bang Theory" star Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting is on the talk-show circuit, addressing a variety of topics. Here's everything you need to know: KALEY ON THOSE HACKED NUDE PHOTOS: "You gotta 

Kaley Cuoco Can't Wait to Have Kids, But Wants to Stop Losing Her Dog First Kaley Cuoco heads inside the Jimmy Kimmel Live! studios to tape an appearance on Thursday (September 19) in Los Angeles. The 28-year-old 

She rarely misses her daily yoga session so who could blame Kaley Cuoco for wanting to show of the results. The actress made sure her toned legs were the focus in an almost hidden pair of shorts when she left a Los Angeles class on Wednesday.

Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting opened up to Ellen DeGeneres on Friday, Sept. 19, about her marriage to Ryan Sweeting and whether they're ready to expand their family. "We both want kids," the Big Bang Theory star, 28, said, adding that they "can't wait." However 

A few weeks ago, Kaley Cuoco was among the celebrities who had nude photos of herself leaked on the Internet. The "Big Bang Theory" actress called the breach of privacy "disturbing." "I totally have Google alerts that come to my phone so anything that