Justin Bieber Sidekick Lil Twist Charged with 6 Felonies in Kyle Massey Attack

Lil Twist — Justin Bieber's sometimes sidekick — has just been nailed with 6 felonies for allegedly breaking into Kyle Massey's house, beating up his…

The Young Money rapper has been charged with six felonies for allegedly breaking into Kyle Massey's house and assaulting his brother — all according to TMZ. If found guilty, Justin Bieber's buddy could be looking at up to 25 years in jail. Ouch! [TMZ].

One of Bieber's good friends, Lil Twist, was charged with six felonies yesterday. The rapper has been accused of physically assaulting actor Kyle Massey with brass knuckles, and he allegedly stole the actor's wallet and cell phone. Lil Twist is now

Life in the closet is about to get even more complicated for Nashville's gay country heartthrob Will Lexington, thanks to the arrival of one Kevin Bicks. As Rolling Stone Country revealed last month, actor Kyle Dean Massey has joined the ABC drama

The Young Money rapper has been charged with six felonies for allegedly breaking into Kyle Massey's house and assaulting his brother — all according to TMZ. If found guilty, Justin Bieber's buddy could be looking at up to 25 years in jail. Ouch! [TMZ].