Johnny Depp Stars in 'Transcendence'

Transcendence's biggest problem is that it isn't quite sure what it wants to be. Part brainy thriller, part action sci-fi, part extended Jesus allegory, and part love story, it adds up to a mushy mess that is relatively entertaining but 

This Friday, a movie called Transcendence will arrive in theaters. Directed by Christopher Nolan's go-to cinematographer, Wally Pfister, and penned by first-time screenwriter Jack Paglen (whose script appeared on the 

In his new movie Transcendence, which was directed by Christopher Nolan's cinematographer Wally Pfister, and produced by Nolan, Depp plays Dr Will Castor, a rockstar AI scientist with tortoise-shell glasses, morning-messy hair, groupies, and a

Johnny Depp, who's built a brilliant career despite many of his lamentable film choices, may not be the first actor you think of to play a genius — much less humanity's destroyer or savior. But he's weirdly perfect in “Transcendence,” an inelegant, no

Transcendence is a good film that aspires to greatness and falls a bit short. Jack Paglen's screenplay grapples with the always-relevant question of how far science can, or should, go toward creating artificial intelligence.