Jennifer Lawrence's nude photos have FBI, Lena Dunham on the case

On Sunday evening, one or many 4chan users dumped what appeared to be a trove of private, nude photographs of numerous celebrities including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton. The exact provenance of the images remains murky, like almost 

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jennifer Lawrence has contacted authorities to investigate who stole and posted nude images of the Oscar winner online, a publicist for the actress said. Intimate images of the actress, who stars in “The 

Jennifer Lawrence and other female actors angered by privacy breach after list of celebrities appears online.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jennifer Lawrence has contacted authorities to investigate who stole and posted nude images of the Oscar winner online, a publicist for the actress said. Intimate images of the actress, who stars in “The 

After illegally obtained nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other actresses were made public Sunday, the FBI is on the case — and so is Lena Dunham. "The way in which you share your body must be a CHOICE. Support these women and do not look at