Jennifer Lawrence, other female celebs targeted in online nude photo scandal

It looks as though a hacker has obtained nude photos of various female celebrities, posting them to (of all places) 4chan. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Images of celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Teresa Palmer, 

Jennifer Lawrence trips at the Oscars, drops F-bombs and loves fast food. In short, she is everything that Gwyneth Paltrow is not, and the out-of-touch Goop guru is furious that her ex, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, has 

On Sunday, the Internet practically melted down when racy photos, allegedly of celebrities including “The Hunger Games” star Jennifer Lawrence, started surfacing around the Internet. As with any report of nude photos, people immediately questioned the 

Jennifer Lawrence is pictured at 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1′ party at the 67th Annual Cannes Film Festival. Alleged nude photos of the Academy Award winner were released on Sunday, Aug. 31, 2014. (Credit: 

Unfortunately for a new host of A-listers including Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Ariana Grande and Kirsten Dunst, nude celebrity photos have been leaked online by an anonymous hacker. A rep confirmed that the risqué