Jennifer Lawrence on nude photos: Angry, yes. But apologetic? No way

In a behind-the-scenes video for her cover shoot of Vanity Fair's November issue, the Oscar winner sounds off on a few of her favorite things, as well as a couple of her least favorite. Jennifer Lawrence Breaks her Silence on Nude Photo Leak. Check out

Well, that was quick. A new report is claiming that Jennifer Lawrence is really ready to settle down with Chris Martin — and yes, they are already talking about having babies!

Sh-t I just realised. It's mid-October already. Which means Mockingjay Part 1 comes out in just over a month. So we should be getting a lot of Jennifer Lawrence on press tour, starting with the cover of Vanity Fair. It's the first 

(CNN) — Jennifer Lawrence does not mince words about the hacking that put her personal nude photos in the public eye: It's a "sex crime," she said. In an interview with Vanity Fair, Lawrence expressed anger that the pictures — which were released as

Jennifer Lawrence Wants a Boyfriend Who Will Watch Reality TV With Her Jennifer Lawrence is opening up about what kind of guy she looks for in her November cover feature for Vanity Fair magazine, on newsstands October