Jay Carney steps down as White House press secretary

President Barack Obama announced the resignation of Press Secretary Jay Carney today, the second time in several hours the president has had to announce that an administration official is stepping down. He will be replaced by Josh Earnest, who is 

In the White House briefing room on Friday, President Obama announced that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is stepping down. He will be replaced by deputy press secretary Josh Earnest. News of Carney's departure comes on the same day that 

Jay Carney is retiring after three years and four months as White House press secretary. The praise and encomiums came even from the people who recently worked for Speaker of the House John Boehner — like Lex Luthor stepping down and getting a 

White House press secretary Jay Carney is stepping down from the podium. President Barack Obama announced Friday that Carney is leaving as his top spokesman. He will be replaced by deputy press secretary Josh 

Jay Carney is retiring after three years and four months as White House press secretary. The praise and encomiums came even from the people who recently worked for Speaker of the House John Boehner — like Lex Luthor stepping down and getting a