Jay Carney defends combative White House press briefings, blames reporters …

Sunday's broadcast of HBO's "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" paid tribute to a departing White House press secretary Jay Carney with a segment called "After Resigning, Jay Carney Tells One Last Pack of Lies to the White House Press Room." Carney 

White House press secretary Jay Carney is resigning his post after more than three years as President Barack Obama's chief spokesman. Obama personally announced the change Friday afternoon with a surprise interruption of Carney's daily news briefing, 

It didn't take long, of course, for the knock on Carney to emerge: The press corps decided he was too out of the loop. At least with Gibbs, the refrain went, you knew you were getting a look at the president's thinking. Carney 

United States President Barack Obama announced Friday afternoon that he's accepted the resignation of White House press secretary Jay Carney.

President Obama announced today that White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has resigned. Obama, who interrupted the White House briefing as Carney was taking questions, said Principal Deputy White House Press