James Garner: actor, bon viveur and sports fanatic

(CNN) — He was the logical synthesis of John Wayne and Jack Benny. Interlace the Duke's measured drawl and virile swagger with Benny's comic timing and shrewd use of wordless exasperation, and you have James Garner, who died Saturday night in Los 

When the great James Garner died last weekend, more than a few obituaries unkindly noted that, though huge on television, he had never really burst through as a movie star. The word “unkindly” is not thrown around glibly here. There is no question that

“I'd be in the locker room before the game giving that pre-game speech and you'd look down and there would be James Garner,” said John Madden, the former Raiders coach. “You'd tell everyone to take a knee and James Garner would take a knee. He was 

James Garner, the charming leading man from Oklahoma who made it look easy on NBC's The Rockford Files and in films opposite Doris Day, Julie Andrews and Sally Field during more than a half-century in show business, 

James Garner, who died on Saturday, belonged to the first generation of American leading men to owe their initial burst of fame to the growth of television; he was also among the last generation who needed to know how to ride a horse. He and his