James Franco tries to hook up with teen fan?

James Franco puts the moves on high schooler Emma Roberts in the Palo Alto movie trailer!

On April 1, two major things happened for James Franco — the official trailer for his new film 'Palo Alto' hit the web and he was accused of hitting on a girl half his age in NYC. In the film, Franco's character is an older coach 

On April 1, a selfie-loving Scottish teen named Lucy apparently went to see James Franco and Chris O'Dowd in Of Mice and Men on Broadway — or, at least, waited outside the production's stage door to meet Franco and 

On April 1, two major things happened for James Franco — the official trailer for his new film 'Palo Alto' hit the web and he was accused of hitting on a girl half his age in NYC. In the film, Franco's character is an older coach 

Social media sites are supposed to be for fun and in order to tell the world what you are doing but when you are a celebrity everything you do is purposely known to the world. In the case of actor, James Franco was it really him who tried to contact an