Jailed Clerk Kim Davis' Lawyer Calls Her 'A Prisoner of Her Conscience'

Kim Davis, the county clerk who refused to sign same sex marriage licenses in the name of God, is feeling the wrath of the judicial system because…

The arrest of wayward Kentucky clerk Kim Davis for refusing to issue marriage licenses as required by law has major implications for her financial outlook – and not just because this means she'll have to resign if she doesn't 

Kim Davis, the Kentucky Clerk who was jailed Thursday, now has a mugshot. The image shows Davis to be about 5'5” tall (including her hair), which is apparently an ideal height for standing behind counters and telling 

The Kentucky court clerk who chose jail over issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples remains unswayed by a night behind bars and remains hopeful that a judge, the governor or lawmakers will grant her an exemption based on her claims of religious 

Noted anti-LGBT rabble rousers, Westboro Baptist Church, have added Kim Davis to its enemies list. In a series of tweets, church members added their own thoughts to the national conversation on the Kentucky clerk's quixotic stand against marriage equality.