It's More Obvious Than Ever That Roger Goodell Needs To Go — But He …

Since the elevator surveillance tape of Ray Rice was released Monday, the NFL has said over and over that it had not seen the graphic tape before it arrived on the Internet. Goodell had said the league had asked law enforcement for the tape but never

Since the elevator surveillance tape of Ray Rice was released Monday, the NFL has said over and over that it had not seen the graphic tape before it arrived on the Internet. Goodell had said the league had asked law enforcement for the tape but never

Members of the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell today, demanding more transparency of the league's handling of the Ray Rice case and of its standing policies regarding 

Keith Olbermann had another chance to tear apart Roger Goodell tonight, not calling for his resignation, but for the NFL commissioner to be fired in light of today's AP report that the NFL received the Ray Rice elevator footage 

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell's suspension of Ray Rice from the league on Monday was derided by many as a case of "too little, too late" following Rice's assault of Janay Palmer. Prominent sports personalities like Keith Olbermann have publicly called