It's Batman Day! Local businesses offering deals; movie screening

For Batman Day, DC Comics and retailers are giving away a Batman comic that reprints the first issue of the Batman: Endgame story. It also has an eight page preview of the new Batman & Robin Eternal comic by James 

The following video features Stardust and The Ascension celebrating “Batman Day” and the history of The Caped Crusader. Batman Day is an event organized by DC Comics celebrating the 75+ year history of Batman, who first appeared in Detective Comics 

Offering Batman the "protection" of the Cosmic Wasteland, WWE wrestler Stardust has released a new video celebrating Batman Day. The wrestler, a vocal comics fan, name-drops comic book creators like Jeph Loeb, Grant 

It's Batman Day! What's that you say? Everyday is Batman Day? Well you are correct, sir, but this is the one that DC Comics promotes as Batman Day so we're legally required to say Batman Day as often as we can. (have we 

Happy Batman Day! Yes, Saturday is yet another fake internet holiday, but it's a great excuse to talk about Batman – specifically, how weird the character's history is. The past decade of big-screen Batman adaptations, while