'It Ends Today': Eric Garner's Parting Words Become Rallying Cry At Vigil

New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton has ordered a thorough review of the NYPD's training procedures in the aftermath of the death of Eric Garner, the man who was held in an apparent chokehold and died as 

New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton has ordered a thorough review of the NYPD's training procedures in the aftermath of the death of Eric Garner, the man who was held in an apparent chokehold and died as police attempted to arrest him

The streets, social media, and the general public have been outraged over the past few days by the police-induced death of Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York City, this past Friday. Police stopped Garner, a 43-year-old African-American man, for

Another video has surfaced online of Eric Garner, a New York man who died after an NYPD officer put him in a chokehold in broad daylight on Thursday. In the new video, Staten Island resident, 43-year-old Garner, appears 

On July 17, Ramsey Orta was talking to his friend, Eric Garner, about where to eat dinner — Friday's, maybe, or Applebee's. They eventually decided on Buffalo Wild Wings, but Garner never made it. Soon, a fight broke out nearby, Orta says, and after