Israel official apologizes after calling Kerry messianic

WASHINGTON — The Israeli government apologized on Tuesday after the White House took offense to a news report in which the country's defense minister was quoted describing Secretary of State John Kerry's efforts to win an Israeli-Palestinian peace 

U.S. rebukes Israeli minister after 'offensive' remarks about 'messianic' John Kerry. By Harriet Sherwood, The Guardian Tuesday, January 14, 2014 14:53 EST. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon (center) [AFP]. Tweet; Print Friendly and 

Israeli Defense Minister: Kerry is 'Messianic'. Israel's Defense Minister, Moshe "Boogy" Ya'alon, is facing criticism from the opposition after slamming U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. The Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot reported 

“Secretary of State John Kerry came here very determined and operates based upon an unfathomable obsession and a messianic feeling,” Yaalon was quoted as saying. “Throughout the recent months, there is no negotiation between us and the Palestinians, 

WASHINGTON — The Israeli government apologized on Tuesday after the White House took offense to a news report in which the country's defense minister was quoted describing Secretary of State John Kerry's efforts to win an Israeli-Palestinian peace