Is The Gemma Sheridan Story Real? Why Google Earth Didn't Find 'Woman …

En el 2007, Gemma Sheridan y dos amigos se embarcaron en un viaje que inició en Liverpool, cruzando el Atlántico hsta el Canal de Panamá para ir de ahí a Hawaii. La primera etapa del viaje fue sin incidentes, pero después de haber cruzado el Canal 

In 2007, Gemma Sheridan and 2 friends set out on a voyage that was to take them from their home town of Liverpool, across the Atlantic to the Panama Canal and then onwards to the beautiful island of Hawaii. The first stage 

Finds Woman Trapped On Deserted Island For 7 In 2007, Gemma Sheridan and 2 friends set out on a voyage that was to take them from their home town of Liverpool, across the Atlantic to the Panama Canal and then .

The story of Gemma Sheridan, a British woman who reportedly was trapped on a desert island for seven years before a Google Earth image helped find her, has captivated the Internet. But is it real? Is The Gemma Sheridan Story Fake? Did Gemma Sheridan 

Brianna Lifshitz, Timothy Linzer, Jordan Loutan, Gregg Luberto, Courtney Lunger, James Macedo, Sean Mahaney, Morgan Mastrogiacomo, Sheridan Maybin, Kain McCall, Bailey McClintock, Sarah McDevitt, Ryan McDonald, Andrew Meiners, Brent Meyer