Is 'Bikini Bridge' the New 'Thigh Gap'?

Ok, we all know 2013 was the year that celebrities decided tweeting pictures of themselves in Bikinis was like "the cool thing to do." Name any female celebs on twitter and chances are 9 out of 10 of them have shared a bikini 

The latest fad making the rounds — the Bikini Bridge. One problem – the bridge is connected to the legs. Make a note of that. [More Bob's Blitz Babes] **Follow us on Twitter, Subscribe by Email, View via Our Mobile Site, or Return Home · Tweet 

Several commentators have pointed out that it is a dangerous image to put in front of impressionable young women, reported. A 'bikini bridge' occurs when a woman lies on her back and her pelvis protrudes in such a way that the waistband of 

Ein neuer Selfie-Trend macht derzeit die Runde: Die sogenannte „Bikini-Bridge“ hat sich zum gefragten Motiv im Urlaub gemausert. Die beliebte „Sehenswürdigkeit“ befindet sich am eigenen Leib und bezeichnet den Bereich zwischen den beiden 

Memes for the 'bikini bridge', which is the term used when you can see a space between your bikini bottoms and your lower abdomen when lying down, were created by 4chan users in an attempt to spam social media and news outlets with “the next big thing”