IRS chief: New rule on the way for tax-exempt groups

WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service is prepared to rewrite a proposed rule regulating the political activities of non-profit groups to address complaints from the right and left that it goes too far, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said Monday.

Fox News Sunday was the only Sunday show that discussed the latest revelations in the IRS' targeting of conservative groups. As a result, viewers were treated to host Chris Wallace grilling Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI) 

MC Hammer says the IRS is shamefully out to get him belatedly demanding penalties on taxes he fully paid 7 years ago.Hammer famously went belly up in…

Computerworld – The U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) acknowledged last week that it missed the April 8 cut-off for Windows XP support and will be paying Microsoft for an extra year of security patches. But the tax agency disputed an earlier estimate

Usually, the IRS can't impute income when you get something discounted or for free, but sometimes it can. More important, sales tax authorities commonly treat freebies as taxable sales. Often, the retailer is treated as the consumer. That way the state