Irrational Partying: Happy Pi Day!

Editor's note: Last fall, NPR's Maanvi Singh embarked on a months-long quest to find her ideal pumpkin pie recipe. As she discovered, there's a lot of science involved in getting the crust and filling just the way you like it. To celebrate Pi Day, we

Webster Thomas mathematics tutor Tom Miller came in to school early on Monday, positively giddy as he walked around the building handing out t-shirts to students and staff members in celebration of what he called "my favorite day of the entire school

3.141592 … wait, what comes next? Doesn't matter — for the purposes of today's date, the first three digits of pi are the important ones. Today, 3/14, is Pi Day, the math nerd's holiday celebrating the ratio of a circle's circumference to its

Webster Thomas mathematics tutor Tom Miller came in to school early on Monday, positively giddy as he walked around the building handing out t-shirts to students and staff members in celebration of what he called "my favorite day of the entire school

Monday marks a special day for mathematicians around the world because it's 3-14, otherwise known as International Pi Day. Pi, not to be confused with the much more appetizing pie, is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. The