Iran fires at, boards Marshall Islands cargo ship; U.S. sending defense

MAJURO, Marshall Islands — At first, quarantine hadn't sounded so bad. A day and night at the Marshall Islands' finest (and only) resort. A pool, a gym, a beauty salon. All meals included. A gorgeous view of the lagoon. Optimistically, we pictured a

The Maersk vessel is a Marshall Island-flagged ship which means it's an American protectorate. According to the Department of State, “the United States has full authority and responsibility for security and defense of the 

The ship was traveling through an internationally recognized shipping lane and flying the flag of the Marshall Islands, a Pacific island nation. Now a US destroyer, the USS Farragut, is being deployed to the Persian Gulf in an 

The Republic of the Marshall Islands is part of Micronesia, and history buffs will recognize it from World War II (the Gilbert and Marshall Islands campaign, anyone?). It's also known for U.S. nuclear testing at such infamous sites as Bikini Atoll

“Nuclear Savage” is a recent documentary film that explores American nuclear weapons testing in the Marshall Islands, 1946-1958, and particularly the secret Project 4.1: an American experiment in exposing Pacific Islanders to overdoses of radiation