Inside the Small Slovenian Town Where Melania Trump Grew Up in Communist Poverty

On Thursday, during a relatively rare sit-down with a reporter, it was Trump's current wife, Melania Trump, who faced questions about her views on immigration. She told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that she has no problem whatsoever with her husband's public 

And I'd like to specifically address some of the complaints. Reader Stacey Greene blew a gasket over the word “Glamazon” to describe Melania Trump. “Is the writer bitter because Mrs. Trump is a former model and gorgeous?” Greene wrote. “She is a mother 

After airing a clip of the interview, Banfield complimented Trump. "There's no question, Melania Knauss-Trump is a very bright woman, speaks several languages. She's articulate. She's lovely," Banfield told campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson.

Trump soon changed her name to Melania Knauss and moved to New York City in 1996. She began dating her future husband Donald a few years later, after he asked for her number at a party in Manhattan. The pair were married in January 2005 and Trump 

Melania Trump, the Slovenian-born ex-model and wife of the GOP front-runner for president, spoke publicly this morning. While many spouses of candidates eschew the spotlight, the wife of the very vocal Donald Trump has remained nearly mute throughout