Inside the courtroom: My six hours with Joe and Teresa Giudice

Teresa Giudice has just been sentenced to prison for 15 months she was hysterical, but it could have been a lot worse for her.She will begin serving…

Teresa Giudice has just been sentenced to prison for 15 months she was hysterical, but it could have been a lot worse for her.She will begin serving…

Teresa Giudice will be sentenced later Thursday, but the judge said she will not serve her sentence at the same time as her husband, for the sake of their children. The Giudices appeared before U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas at federal court in

In March 2014, Teresa Giudice, 42, and husband Joe Giudice, 42, plead guilty to 41 counts of fraud, having been accused of engaging in bank, mail and wire and bankruptcy fraud. After their sentencing on Oct. 2, Joe was ordered to spend 41 months behind 

Teresa Giudice will be sentenced later Thursday, but the judge said she will not serve her sentence at the same time as her husband, for the sake of their children. The Giudices appeared before U.S. District Court Judge Esther Salas at federal court in