If Fran Drescher Read Gizmodo She Would Not Have Married This Fraud

This is it. Apple just announced the iPhone 6—and the iPhone 6 Plus—a sleek sliver of aluminum that comes in two sizes. The screen on the smaller of the two measures 4.7-inches diagonally, and depending on the nature of your needs (and the size of

Sure, the highly anticipated Apple Watch may come packing lots of "features" and "practical functions." But let's focus on what really matters—the tiny, colored icons that say all the things we cannot. And apparently, in Apple Watch land, all those

Apple's next event is only hours away. The hype-train is fast approaching the station, and we're on board. We'll be bringing you the best coverage of the event in our live blog. Get in here for all the news as it happens! The event kicks off from 3am

A few flashy new gadgets from Apple were unveiled overnight. We already know exactly what we're going to pay for them (spoiler: lots), but is there an Australia Tax attached? What's the damage bill? Image: Justin Sullivan / Getty. For those out of the

Last night saw the skies over Australia play host to the third so-called “Super-Moon” event of the year. Don't fret if you missed it: the moon is just starting to rise over North America, and you can watch it live right here! Thanks to the Slooh