How To Move To Canada If Donald Trump Becomes President. Pack your bags. 03/03/2016 01:04 pm ET | Updated 46 minutes ago. Suzy Strutner Associate Lifestyle Editor, The Huffington Post. If Donald Trump becomes president, some Americans are
After Donald Trump's Super Tuesday victories in which he won seven states, Google reported up to a 1,500 percent surge in the number of people searching variations of the phrase “How to move to Canada.” This is not a new phenomenon. In fact, in each
So you want to go to Canada, eh? There is a mad rush to see what opportunities might exist north of the border in light of what could be the biggest crisis between the two countries since the Canadians bombed the Baldwins and the U.S. military took out
After Donald Trump's Super Tuesday victories in which he won seven states, Google reported up to a 1,500 percent surge in the number of people searching variations of the phrase “How to move to Canada.” This is not a new phenomenon. In fact, in each
When I was a senior in high school, I was too young to vote, but definitely old enough to be one of those unbearable people who insist they're totally moving to Canada if [X politician] wins. I routinely threatened my parents that I'd move to Canada if