How to Make Fresh Cranberry Sauce: Best Thanksgiving Recipe

On a day as hectic as Thanksgiving, cranberry sauce doesn't have to be your priority — you don't even need a recipe to make it.

This basic homemade cranberry sauce is the perfect topping for Thanksgiving turkey.

Thanksgiving just wouldn't be the same without cranberry sauce. If you think about it, cranberry sauce is THE reason we're able to enjoy all that stuffing, mashed potatoes and turkey. Its perfect combination of tart and sweet adds a fresh flavor to our

I like cranberry sauce with turkey (and with pork and game of any kind), but the traditional recipe — cranberries, sugar, vinegar, maybe some citrus — tastes to me like it's missing something. That something is a little bit of spice, in the form of

Today's recipe is for homemade cranberry sauce – one cooked and one fresh!