How to File for a Tax Extension

Saint John council is asking the provincial government for a few more days to respond to its offer to repeal the tax break on the Canaport LNG property. Officials from the city and the province are in talks about the mechanics of the change and the

Saint John council is asking the provincial government for a few more days to respond to its offer to repeal the tax break on the Canaport LNG property. Officials from the city and the province are in talks about the mechanics of the change and the

Despite the extra days to file this year, many people were still waiting until the last minute to file their taxes. For people in this camp, an automatic six-month extension of time to file may be available. To get that extension, a 4868 file form must

The Los Gatos-Saratoga school board decided earlier this year to seek an early tax extension through a mail-only ballot, rather than during a general election. Typically, school tax measures fare better in special elections, in which backers can more

The good news: Filing for a tax extension in New Jersey only takes a few clicks. The bad news: You've still got to pay at least 80 percent of your state tax obligation by tax day — Monday, April 18 in 2016. The worst news: You should really pay for