How the Web's Fast Lanes Would Work Without Net Neutrality

The biggest critics of the proposed rules are tech companies and Net neutrality advocates, who worry that allowing this will give free reign to network providers to arbitrarily add surcharges for accessing third-party Internet outfits. Venture

(Reuters) – U.S. telecommunications regulators on Thursday formally proposed new "net neutrality" rules that may let Internet service providers charge content companies for faster and more reliable delivery of their traffic to users. Federal

Advocates of "net neutrality"—the idea that all traffic should be treated equally—have argued that when some data is given priority in the pipe, it will inevitably result in slow lanes for other traffic. But broadband providers who want to offer fast

This morning, proposed rules regarding net neutrality passed the FCC on a vote of three to two, as expected. We now enter a comment period in which the “Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet” Notice of Proposed 

United States President Barack Obama's commitment to net neutrality is being questioned after the Federal Communications Commission officials appointed on his watch voted Thursday to advance a plan believed by many to