How the outdated, nonsensical Passover rules taught me what Judaism is really …

Coachella's second weekend (April 22-24) for many Jewish people presents something of a dilemma: either draw your Bubby's ire by blowing off her Passover Seder and matzah ball soup or drown your FOMO in bitter herbs and gelatinous gefilte fish while 

But frenetic preparations for Passover mask an underlying picture of declining numbers of Jews in Scotland. In Glasgow, the community's traditional heartland, the fall has been particularly marked. Between the censuses of 2001 and 2011, the number of 

But frenetic preparations for Passover mask an underlying picture of declining numbers of Jews in Scotland. In Glasgow, the community's traditional heartland, the fall has been particularly marked. Between the censuses of 2001 and 2011, the number of 

Coachella's second weekend (April 22-24) for many Jewish people presents something of a dilemma: either draw your Bubby's ire by blowing off her Passover Seder and matzah ball soup or drown your FOMO in bitter herbs and gelatinous gefilte fish while 

Passover is the most celebrated of all Jewish holidays with more than 70% of Jewish Americans taking part in a seder, its ritual meal. Here's your guide to the basics of the holiday, which begins at sundown Friday — plus some lesser-known facts that