How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

If federal funding for Planned Parenthood is blocked, could community health centers fill in the gap in services? Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) argues it's entirely possible, and the Senate is scheduled to vote on such a measure on Monday.

Bill O'Reilly attacked "morally bankrupt" liberals Monday night for defending Planned Parenthood and "abortion on demand." He joined columnist Charles Krauthammer on "The O'Reilly Factor" but throttled the conversation, putting his own rant into the

The long-running calls for the federal government to cease all funding directed toward Planned Parenthood have once again come to the fore. This time, a congressional vote and debate took shape after an anti-abortion group secretly recorded a series of 

Squishy wording of a 1993 Republican-backed law overturning a ban on government-funded fetal tissue research is at the heart of the recent allegations against Planned Parenthood. The law bans profit from the exchange of 

The tapes have generated a visceral reaction independent of how they were made or whether Planned Parenthood was making a profit. Rather, the widespread revulsion over the tapes arose because they unmasked the fact that, in our public conversation