How one woman's obsession made Mother's Day last

Some famous and inspirational mother's day quotes worth sharing.

"We pull up in front of the home and the little girl comes out with her iPhone in her hand and said that she was speaking to her mom and her mom became frozen," Hemet paramedic Chris Galletta said. "I think it's great, right before Mother's Day, too

Some famous and inspirational mother's day quotes worth sharing.

On May 10th of last year, three intruders forced their way into a home and started shooting, killing a 32-year-old mom the day before Mother's Day. At the family's request, police will not release her name. But NewsChannel 3 

Now team Obama has finally found a way to keep families intact: just lock up mothers and children together in makeshift family prisons. And now, the administration has come up with a Mother's Day present for the thousands of immigrant women, and