How Jeb Bush Could Derail Marco Rubio

Jeb Bush supporter Kramer Howell, left, and John Kasich supporter Collin Stephens. After voting for Bush and Kasich at a caucus at Drake University in Des Moines, the two headed over to Hillary Clinton's rally on the campus. Pema Levy/Mother Jones.

(RNS) Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush may be seeing the bold exclamation point wilt in his Jeb! posters. Like his Republican brethren, Catholic convert Jeb Bush, who turns 63 on Feb. 11, 2016, is chasing the conservative Christian vote in the primaries.

That means the race is for second place, with Mr. Kasich and Mr. Cruz tied at 11.5 percent of the vote each, followed by Mr. Bush at 10.3 percent, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida at 9.5 percent and Mr. Christie at 6.5 percent. It's unlikely the three

More importantly, he was probably celebrating kicking Jeb Bush's well-funded ass. Bush landed down in sixth place, behind Ben Carson and Sen. Rand Paul. Bush has the most campaign cash raised on his behalf of any of the Republicans. The only other 

KEENE, New Hampshire — Lindsey Graham, one of of Jeb Bush's biggest allies in the GOP presidential race, took aim Tuesday at the top three finishers in the Iowa caucuses and said New Hampshire would provide a "reset in the race" that would help Bush.