How Barbie's New Body Got Made

How do you fix a problem like Barbie? She has been under fire for some time for being, in essence, a portable and inexpensive reminder of society's unrealistic beauty standards that we give little girls to carry around with them at all times. Which is

Yes, Barbie's body defies biology. But so does her age. Barbie is an ice blossom, frozen in the fleeting years of late adolescence and young adulthood – years that we now unquestioningly accept as the apex of our ever-lengthening lives. She represents

Barbie's been a mainstay in most children's lives since the late '50s. According to Time magazine's latest cover story, the doll does, “$1 billion in sales across more than 150 countries annually, and 92% of American girls ages 3 to 12 have owned a Barbie.

How do you fix a problem like Barbie? She has been under fire for some time for being, in essence, a portable and inexpensive reminder of society's unrealistic beauty standards that we give little girls to carry around with them at all times. Which is

Yes, Barbie's body defies biology. But so does her age. Barbie is an ice blossom, frozen in the fleeting years of late adolescence and young adulthood – years that we now unquestioningly accept as the apex of our ever-lengthening lives. She represents